Digital Signage Exp
You read that right…
Digital Signage Exp
The Digital Signage Expo was this week. I was able to go to Vegas to show and tell how Sellr fits into the larger digital signage environment, but I was also able to learn about how digital signage helps the customer experience.
Everyone’s Digital
The millennials are, of course, digital natives. They don’t remember a time when texting wasn’t their primary form of communication. Their parents have warmed to digital if for no reason other than they want to be able to talk to their kids. And guys like me are learning that we can get information we want at the touch of a button which isn’t all bad.
Sign of the Times
We’ve talked about how in-store signage helps the customer navigate your store. The Digital Signage Expo was full of screens and signs that did more than help navigate. Sellr digital signs tell customers about specials and show recipes, but there is so much more that digital signage does for your customer.
Digital signs can be quickly updated to introduce a new in-stock item. They can be put on the shelf to announce a promotion that can lead to upselling. Here is where brick and mortar stores have the upper hand: an online customer searches for, finds, and quickly purchases what they are looking for missing the in-person experience that can sell 750ml or a gallon. While modern shoppers have embraced online shopping, they are coming back to traditional stores like yours.
Keep It Going
These modern customers know they have a choice. They search and find you and What they see on your website can be the determining factor that brings them to your store. If they walk in and instantly see the bottle they saw online featured on an in-store sign, they make the connection and are hooked. Same thing goes for recipes you share on your social media sites; if they are available using your kiosks, you’ve made another connection. These connections make the customer feel familiar with you in ways that they can’t ever be with
The Digital Signage Exp
The takeaway from DSE2017 is that digital signage is so important to the modern customer. The digital signage experiences the customer has in your store go a long way to build the ever-important relationship that will keep them coming back to your store.
Click here to learn more about Sellr digital signage and how it can help your customers identify with your brand.
Sy Walker is Sellr’s Business Relations Manager. He knows a little about a lot of things and is confident the North Carolina Tar Heels are going to win March Madness this year.